
Cool balanced opinion bro.

McKean is UNBELIEVABLE in BCS. The chops on the man.

Sort of - often he would bring a riff or a chord sequence and his band would work it up into something. And there's still some mild beef over The Man Who Sold The World, where the instrumentals were written (sez they) by the band and Bowie took full credit for them after he wrote the vocal melodies and lyrics. In both

But… if they recognised 'underground movers and shakers' they wouldn't be underground would they? It's not an artistic contest. It's an industry award for generating money and sustaining the industry. Wokeness and hipness are drivers in the background of art and get co opted and woven into commercial art in the

Agree agree agree. Being a great artist doesn't mean you have to be a polymath or a factotum. You just have to recognise, evoke, emulate and embody the elements you want to project. Bowie often worked like this, picking musicians and producers and having them jam and expand on his initial ideas, then his extraordinary

I listened to that Beck album every day for at least eight months. It's magnificent. And it's subjective. Making the case for the Grammys being racist goes a lot better if you don't make half baked generalisations about the works she 'fails' to 'beat'.

Because the man he is addressing is a racist psychopath. And by meeting him he gave him succour and a photo op, with no chance whatsoever of making a lick of difference to Chicago schools. Iconoclasm and fascism are a bad mix.

They had a leg up Cosby?

Oh noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

Does she honestly strike you as someone who would do this stuff for any other reason than wanting to? She seems like a coherent adult who knows who she is and why she does what she does to me.

I'm not saying black artists haven't been massively exploited, or that the roots of pop and rock and many of its great innovations don't lie in black culture. That is true. But that cultural exchange is deeply fluid, and goes both ways. Also the idea that black people never make money when black music is delivered by

It's what he died from. Sandwich overdose. It's claimed too many of the greats. Always at 27 - 27 sandwiches.

You have proved your original statement 100% with that. I don't know who got paid what for this. But if you honestly believe the statement "when white culture and black culture mix, only the white artists get paid" then you have a very limited understanding of the music biz, art, creativity, royalties, publishing,

Yeah, the writer presumes PJ Harvey is a huge idiot who Means Each Word As It Is Said. He also can't understand the difference between a song and a hastily written blog post.

That is one substantial statement, Cliffy. Are the rules on royalties, publishing and session rates suspended when 'white culture' and 'black culture' mix? And what's the line you draw between these two cultures? I bet it's an arbitrary and ill informed line.

This is one of those weird, unprecedented occasions where taste is subjective.

I'd be extremely surprised if the writing room at SNL was anything other than 99% Dem or left-leaning. It's their job to caricature people. It's literally their job. If every cold open was a series of caricatures followed by caveats it would be a very bad show. As a Brit, I can see that Hillary is getting a very fair

It's not a news program.


GMT, babe.