Joe Morgan

*squeezes a single drop of blood onto IT FOLLOWS box set*

"Jeepers, Cthulhu! These fatuous Iberian imbeciles have overrun New England!"

Let me preface this by saying that I am in no way a Reds fan.

It's very important that I preface this by saying I'm not a rap fan in any way. Please do not confuse me for a rap fan. It would be an unthinkable tragedy for you to think that I, who am not a rap fan, listen to rap music. I do not listen to it. I listen to some music, but it is not rap.

There's plenty of room for interpretation, for example Elephant was a thoughtful examination of school shootings. This was a lazy plot device made worse because it was exploitative. Also, stop acting like I'm telling the showrunners what to do. I'm telling YOU that I think the ending was lazy - you completely miss the

I'd like to step outside of my safe space to point out that things like vampires and zombies are make-believe and things like school shootings and terrorist attacks are real things that profoundly impact real people. Watching zombies eat someone is a gross-out, watching a show use a school shooter as a convenient

I read American Pastoral because it was the only book at the airport bookstore in English. I do not recommend it.

Can we call it The Bastard Pope? I like that name better

Wait, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is supposed to be the best one? Isn't that the one with the shrunken head that does a rasta accent??

I find it ironic that the use of "postmodern" as a critique of liberal abstractions seems to be making a comeback in conservative circles - I can think of nothing more postmodern than Trump's aimless culture wars.

it work good, i have this gun, i use to kill pederast

The sequel is good, almost as good as the original, but the translation is bad enough to drop it a full letter grade. I went about 300 pages wondering what "The Great Ravine" was before I realized that it was supposed to say "Famine."

That album cover is the opposite of sexy. I wonder (with trepidation) what kind of porn he watches.

Not gonna read the L.A. Weekly piece because it sounds bad, but am I correct in understanding that the author was fawning over the "sexiness" of the cover of Night Time, My Time? That album cover, while it does feature the boobs of a naked lady, is emphatically, and intentionally, not sexy. That's like jacking off to T

My dear sweet daughter please return to me I never should have let you watch the devil movie "Chappie"

Please don't remind me of what happened after our sweet Aaadyn watched 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi.

I realized all too late that the claws of a "real" polar bear are NOT squared. My lovely daughters, Isabelle and Isabelle, face a long road to recovery.

Following some personal disappointments which led to simmering/seething anger at various institutions, I was on the verge of adopting some paranoid anarchist ideals in college. I can only imagine what that would have led to in my later years: libertarianism, mens' rights activism, sovereign citizenship, Trump?

lumbering ooh-rah male weepie

This sounds remarkably similar to the Carmel High School (ritzy Indy suburb) basketball team sexual assault story from 2010, with a little Steubenville mixed in. The Carmel story wound up being blown way out of proportion by most local (and some national) media outlets. Curious to see how this one treats it.