Super Skrull

I guess not. Regardless, Clark's had a long time to get very good at using his abilities.

I always thought Sterling Gates did a good job when he wrote Supergirl.

It wasn't too bad until the H'el part.. I liked how it actually made Kara feel like a teenager who just lost literally everyone she knew, ended up on a strange planet where she couldn't speak the language, with a whole bunch of insane powers. Which is to say, she was pissed and kind of unstable all the time. Because

As in they don't move forward with it?

A general rule with Jeph Loeb is to just ignore the garbage he writes. The other writers will and comics are better for it.

Because why would an entire species have a baseline power level? Frequent use and training generally has the effect of making people stronger and better at doing something. Why would that change?

They've mostly explained it as Kara not being stronger but having considerably less control at using her powers since she has less experience at them. Clark pulls his punches, Kara doesn't. When Clark cuts loose, he's stronger than Kara.

Not quite. While Kara did get some nice consistent dosages of yellow sun in her pod while she was in stasis. That had more of the effect of giving her powers fairly instantly compared to Clark who's powers took up to his adolescence to develop.. The reason people initially thought Supergirl was more powerful was

And that's where the comic book nerd in me is struggling. They aren't equal in power. Superman is physically stronger, faster, has more powerful heat vision, and is more durable. Because he's been using those abilities for a far longer time. On top of that he's just better at using them. Even if they were fighting

I know it's her show but they laid on the Supergirl > Superman thing way too thick. I know I'm going to go full nerd here, but Superman should have years more of experience at using his powers, super-heroics, and fighting. He should not be losing a fight to the younger and way less experienced Kara. Letting Superman,

I'm confused. Do the writers think the audience actually want Fish Mooney back? I seem to remember everyone basically begging for Penguin to kill her last year.

Why the fuck was Travis shoeless?

Every single scene in Thea's apartment makes it impossible for this episode to be solid. I want Damien to kill everyone there.

Yeah, but I can't jerk off to character dynamics.

Why did they have to kill Rita? She was so incredibly hot and her becoming a zombie only made her hotter.