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    Your level of hate is hilarious — and sad. You really hate Jimmy. You can't even give him credit for saving Monica's life! That is both funny and sad. Kev wasn't exactly helpful. Watch the scene again. You appear not to recognize when someone acts like a hero, as he did in that scene. Too bad.

    It is easy to hurl insults without backing up your argument with solid evidence. I shared how Jimmy was a standup guy for Fiona, not only be embraced by her, but her family and friends.

    Is a nonsensical remark the only retort you could think of? Thank you for endorsing my statement.

    Really? Your view is that limited? There are so many things and directions those two could go, it's sad that people may not be able to see that (her getting pregnant, further interaction with his family, a marriage proposal that could create chaos, both being effected by the other's questionable activities, and,

    Gus is boring. And you've obviously bought, "hook, line, and sinker," how the writers changed Jimmy ("douchebaggery"? Saving their mother's life is truly a "douchebaggery" move!).

    Wonder if patrons, who criticize the movie while dining, will be told to leave.