
Yeah I know Oliver is the leader and that Felicity/Diggle usually follow him. But to be honest - I don't mind the others taking charge once in a while - especially when they disagree. I'd rather they do this this than follow Oliver like mindless sheep

I agree it's about everything. She's reached her tipping point - however I do think that the show needed to better show that.

Echo is great and I'd be sad for him if he got written off… But I need the show to stop pushing Curtis so hard. He's best as a background character

Here’s the fundamental problem: I still don’t really get why Felicity has allied with Helix to bring down Chase at any cost. As suspect many of you are now ready to helpfully point out, Felicity’s boyfriend did die a horrible death at the hands of Prometheus (well, Oliver’s hands manipulated by Prometheus, but

I really enjoyed this episode. Everyone had valid points, but I sided with Oliver in this one only because I know Helix is no good. Felicity was blinded by wanting to take down Chase that she didn't see the signs and was naive. That was actually rather understandable too.

Watch it be someone lame like HR (and he'll likely come back next season anyways as someone new)

That would actually require the writers to put effort into Iris' character

Same… I like Iris, but she's such a static character. And now that she's the LI she's becoming one dimensional. It's really sad…

When has she ever made an appearance for more than 5 minutes? :/ Unfortunately this show doesn't need a reporter. I hope she somehow changes career paths to become a cop so she can become relevant again.

I think the problem is that this show is supposed to be fun - but when it starts to get serious you need to be invested in the characters and their journeys… I'm in no way invested in any of these characters like I am invested the Arrow characters.

Who are we kidding - Iris never told Barry this :p She's always on the support brigade

As I mentioned in another thread - this season on ALL shows retconned Laurel and her relationships into something they weren't at all. It's beyond annoying. Literally the only person who got it right was Black Siren (which is really ironic lol).

And the saintification/glorification/complete retcon of Laurel continues…

Honestly I want Rory to return too. It was great having another Jewish hero in the series. Plus I just really want him back in December so he and Felicity could celebrate Hannukah together. :/

But seriously though… Felicity's master plan to get free pie for life made me think about how well she'd get along with Dean Winchester…

I really hope he doesn't beat himself over it… He's suffered enough

IMO he's better. Slade ended up being so one-note… Chase is pretty psychotic. He can flip the switch from innocent to murdery so well. And now that Chase has been outed - things are going to get REALLY interesting

Felicity gets in deeper with Helix
Me: Felicity, stop! This isn't going to end well!
Felicity's master plan is free pie for life
Me: Go on…

it irks me that hte EPs think that the show is progressive because Kara is an immigrant. That's why I have a problem w/ it.

I responded to a similar post to explain why this irked me