I responded to a similar post above to further explain why it irks me.
I responded to a similar post above to further explain why it irks me.
It honestly irks me when people call this show progressive by listing this as a reason. But I won't delve into the politics of all this…
I know this. I'm not a fan of how the EPs consider her a WoC though because she's Latina. The issue I have is the disconnect there and the show thinking it's progressive in that sense when it actually isn't. Not really. If they wanted Maggie to be a WoC they should've hired a WoC instead of a white Italian.
I know this. I'm not a fan of how the EPs consider her a WoC though because she's Latina. The issue I have is the disconnect there and the show thinking it's progressive in that sense when it actually isn't. Not really. If they wanted Maggie to be a WoC they should've hired a WoC instead of a white Italian. Does that…
The writers definitely try to hard with him. I get that he's in that space where he can't be great in the field yet… But good lord why is he required to be a superhero? Arrow has enough masks.
Nah dude. I just think it's kind of gross. I didn't even get that feeling when Laurel died and I can't stand her character (I thought she deserved better than the death she got).
That's incredibly unfortunate.
Maggie is supposed to be a Latina but they hired an Italian woman, who in Italy, would be considered white. IDK why they couldn't hire a Latina instead.
Also, I can't be the only one that laughed and got a twisted enjoyment out of them snapping Felicity's neck right at the start.
Can't say I watch LoT but tuned in tonight and was delighted to see Felicity in the beginning. Yes she was killed, but I thought it was great seeing this different side.
IMO when it comes to sexism the worst offenders in order:
Mind. Blown.
Barry suffers no consequences. That's the issue. The writers for Flash/Arrow all follow similar formulas. Have the lead do dumb shit to move the plot/cause drama. It works better on Arrow because Arrow is not afraid to make Oliver suffer the consequences. On Flash? This method doesn't work at all.
LOL! I guess I can see why. Flash is very binary in that sense. It does bug me when Joe says that Barry is better than Oliver -_- (even with the revelation last week).
She's Barry's love interest. Duh :p
Hope you enjoy! It's an interesting take on Caitlin. Just don't understand why she has to be evil and not just more morally grey.
This season on DCTV alone:
Jinx! :)
The answer is simple…
Wonderful :) I expect Evelyn to die by the end of the season on Arrow. And hey maybe we'll see Iris die another 500000 times