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So what do we, as an audience have to do to get Lyla to be a regular on this show? Because I'd like to keep her!
I can now see her dramatically rock out to In The Air Tonight… And this is an image I didn't know I've been missing for the past 4 years
lol tough crowd!
Or you can give the rest of the episodes an A and if the finale is worth it, give that an A+ ;)
Anyways, I thought this was a fantastic episode. I think David Ramsey hit it out of the park. His performance towards the end with Lyla made my heart hurt. And I'm sure that lie to Lyla will bite him in the butt at some point in the next few episodes. Diggle was easily the highlight of the episode for me.
Felicity's choices of weapons are really random: A machine gun, a computer, or a Van…
In the end what was different about the LoA style? Because I didn't see anything special in Oliver's last fight in the finale.
He needs to consult his team because bringing on Malcolm /affects them too/. Because at that moment no one knew whether Malcolm was going to screw them over or not.
Of course you wouldn't know this because you didn't see S2. But the main premise of S2 was that there's always another way. Oliver didn't even consult the team before he made that decision. He didn't even bother to look for another way before teaming up with Malcolm.
That's ridiculous. Any sane person would be against working with a terrorist that killed over 300+ people, a person who mind raped Thea and made her kill Sara…
Why do you agree with you from Ra's on but disagree with me when Felicity told Oliver to kill Slade in season 2 when Slade kidnapped Thea?
But neither of those are her complaining about Oliver following her advice.
Unfortunately Sadiki's post doesn't answer my question. So really, give me 2-3 moments she complained about Oliver murdering anyone since season 2…
I asked the person you responded to the same question… Please name me when Felicity complained about Oliver murdering anyone.
When did Felicity complain about Oliver murdering anyone? Please give me 2-3 moments when she did.
Well not 'these days'. She's been okay with murder since season 2. She was ok with Oliver killing Slade when he took Thea, ok with killing Ra's, I'm sure she's ok with killing Malcolm… Basically ok with killing anyone who harms her friends.
Sorry, I'm not good at reading sarcasm :p it's difficult for me
And that says everything I need to know :p you automatically look for the worst in Felicity so really, there's no point in reasoning lol
And isn't it reasonable for one, who's grieving, to think that if they were there, things would've been different? I mean I've definitely been in her position, and I understand that line of thinking. It's a dangerous path to go down on. But it's also completely human.