
"Im going to kill you." Yes Harold, yes you are

Holy Shit this episode. I havent been this emotionally drained since The Red Wedding. Im holding Harold to his promise. He better kill Samaritan


I think Bitch Hunters would've made a GREAT show. Shame on you NBC for not realizing that. SHAME


Are reviews gonna be after both air?

Shit count me among the newbies now I guess. The rate GRRM is writing his books, GoT is gonna finish long before he does, but I like that I'll most likely be able to be surprised again, hopefully not Red Wedding surprised bc I cant go through that shit again, but surprised all the same

This is good. Mostly dead means still a little alive.

Um 2 seasons ago was season 2 Slade Wilson levels of awesome, so if anything more like a year and a half. check ya self

Shit i forgot to include Roy. sooo yea Quota Maxed

lol the RAGE from that TWD finale

And I mean, lets be honest here, as much as i Like Laurel and Katie Cassidy, she is not my Black Canary. My Black Canary is the one from Justice League Unlimited, and a close second is Young Justice's. That said RIP Laurel Ill miss you

I honestly hope this ISN'T a fakeout. Dont get me wrong I dont hate Laurel, I actually like her. Granted shes made some dumb decisions but hey, who hasnt honestly. Having her death be faked would just feel like a HUGE cop out. I LIKE that the show can have stakes, for example when we lost Tommy (RIP, much sadness).


For a dead man Jon Snows corpse is getting a lot of screen time….

Anybody catch that name? BRUCE!!!!!!! illuminati confirmed

I think the reason its harming Thea more than Sara is the fact that Thea refuses to kill while Sara still kills consistently you could say. How many people did she kill in this ep?

Soooooo No episodic reviews right….?

I prefer Jinkies

Or some evil swimming pools…..