
The dragon is calling, Bronn has to go
Bronn is hungry, he runs the show
He's licking his lips, he's ready to win
On the hunt tonight for love at first sting…

I believe he pronounces it with a hard, trilling "r" at the end and drops the "e". It sends the Frogs into conniptions.

Nor did we anticipate that Lavender Brown would go from this:

No flaw at all. You're crediting right-wingers with some semblance of logical consistency. To them, "9/11 was a Muslim plot," "9/11 was an inside job," and "9/11 was carried out by agents of Mossad" are mutually reinforcing statements of fact all pointing to a single underlying truth, i.e., that Obama is the

It's sadder than that even. The whole "ironically drinking PBR" thing in Portland started *two fucking decades* ago. News flash: It's not ironic or funny anymore if you've been doing it for *twenty fucking years.*

"Midnight star"
"Girls just wanna have lunch"
"Another one rides the bus"