
"Neville Longbottom Explaining Mandrake Roots" would have sold millions what are you even talking about.

It was! His intention created the subject! But I'm glad it turned out that way. Otherwise we'd have read seven books worth of Seamus and Neville talking about plants. And then they just die.

I mean. I do hate predictable storylines. I am still holding out for the Hound to be the prince and the key to everything.

Missandei's clarification that the Prince could be male or female was very reminiscent of the Harry Potter prophecy. "Well, this could either be about the person you've read 3000 pages about or this fucking nerd Neville Longbottom." PROPHECIES GONNA PROPHESY I GUESS.

Aaaaaand Madeline Brewer continues to break my fucking heart every second she is onscreen.

I have a feeling that many of the wives are not assholes. Though they definitely play a part in the horrors the handmaids suffer, I do not think they are 100% complicit in the atrocities. I find it hard to believe that their fates would be any different were they to rebel.

I always assume now that MAGA actually means Make America Gilead Again.

There are always moments in any episode of The Handmaid's Tale episode where a sob catches in my throat. This week, two: "No, I can't be sick every month." Steven's wife's offer and apparent regret shows immense compassion and insight into the fact that even some of these wives know this shit is wrong. 2. June's

My husband and I watch this show together. I almost need to watch it alone. We watched this one last night, and I couldn't talk to him for 20 minutes after. It was so deeply affecting and personally felt I don't know if I could have spoken to anyone else either. It's too visceral and real.

Female external genitals.

It's Desperate Housewives for women who sunbathe their vulvas a la Shailene Woodley.

I thought that Jessa was pregnant for a moment when she vomited. Out loud I said, "Oh, nonono." Then I thought she was possibly off the wagon when she was stumbling to the bar, looking like absolute garbage, but then she ordered a seltzer. Placed all together, with the conversation about the Elite cable package and

On paper these actions may read as innocuous. But similarly to how someone might feel before a first kiss, one can tell when such moments are charged with intimate energy. That is what makes them inappropriate.

Enhhh. I am genuinely so sincerely happy that you have never experienced coercive sexual assault, but if one had to actually be in a position of authority to be able to express and exert authoritative power, however imagined, over someone, a lot less men would be charged with statutory rape. Also . . . that someone

Uhhh Eliza is super hot. Speaking as a lady, sometimes that is plenty.

Hahahahaha. I just finished this show and was disappointed that the thread above took place months ago rendering response irrelevant. Then I found your comment from five hours ago so I feel better about saying 1. Uhhh yea I am in my early thirties and would totally jump on that dick. 2. Also whisky dick varies from

First Indian doc on Grey's doesn't even get to be a doc. He's a nurse. At least he gets to be the first Indian asshole on Grey's. Maybe the first asshole nurse.

Husband is convinced the Tyrell phone calls are coming from the Knowles residence. And be'cos he is historically such an ass about being too smart for his own good and ruining every surprise ever for me with his speculations without actually knowing ahead of time, I am convinced too.

If you havent seen it — if you hated Love, you'll love You're the Worst, its better, brighter, more realistic cousin. I watched YTW first, so Love just made me angry at what it could have been.

The performance is so very comparable to Hot Rod's punch-dancing scene and I love them both.