Henrik Hansen

Yes indeed. The original letter said the copyright runs out in 1978 and then the Reunion scene could be published. After that you got another page or so including the news that a mistake was made and the date was actually 1987. After that, more was added explaining why it could never be released. It's very

Your Mom robbed you of a wonderful gift. Even though the whole premise is fake, when you write in for the Reunion scene you get a couple of pages of Goldman goodness explaining why you can't have it yet. (It involves copyrights and an odd lawyer named Kermit.) I think he reused this material in the 25th Anniversary


Miss JoJo Coffeebean is a known associate of Miss Patty Pancakes. That is all.

Or indeed anywhere. Trust me, I've been there.

I would give Christopher Lee points for degree of difficulty. He played an impressive Holmes, in German! He's also played Mycroft and Baskerville.

That was really great. I love Mitchell and Webb.

And it's awful. The only good scene is a retread of the One Leg Too Few sketch.

I don't like these women, I like this movie, I don't like broccoli.

I thank you, 2001 embryo.

I'm not sure but it seemed to take a very long time.

A War Horse walks into a bar. The barman says, "Hey, why the long film?"

Seen - 12.
Heard of/ not seen - 17.
Not heard of - 21.
The BBC Kermode/Mayo film podcast is a great way to catch up on interesting movies to look out for. My "heard of" number would be a lot lower without it.

I'm not.

And once again, who are the real victims? The ghost community.

Think about it, people. When they re-do the "He has no dick." line in the female version, it won't land nearly as well as when they re-do the line in the male version.
That's just biology.

Seconded. This is an extremely funny, touching movie. The cast is superb and Sally Hawkins particularly wonderful. I read these books to my girl and they capture the right blend of sweetness and slapstick comedy. Highly recommended.

They were voiced by a superb comedy duo: Mitchell and Webb. Well worth checking out. They've done BBC radio and television.