Captain Americano

Dig it. In case anyone else is reading this, and would like to know what your intelligence community has been up to this past century check out:
- The formation of the Soviet Union
- The JFK & RFK assassinations
- Nixon's impeachment (assassination unnecessary)
- The Bush/Baker White House
- The formation and funding of

Oh man, now I'm the conspiracy guy. I will respond to this. The reaction of Bush in the classroom was due to the fact that the operation was FUBAR - way off schedule…LATE. Please read anything you can get your hands on by the late Philip Marshall - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B…
I am not a Republican. I am not even a

Yes, the stuff about the planes being replaced with rockets or other planes is pretty amusing. I am, however, of the belief that the U.S. Govt. was aware of the plan (at the executive level only), knew the primary planner (a Saudi), facilitated the training of the pilots in the U.S. (to the extent of calling the FBI

How are we defining 9/11 truther these days?

But they were ownly seventeen!!

Don't forget Reggie Smythe.

Hanks seems to have a lock on those roles. Does the guy wear Nikes?

There's probably a support group.

A guy's gotta eat.

I upvoted, but felt guilty about it. (That's only Because I grew up with this naive expectation of people doing right, I get shocked by every little violation.)

You're just egging him on.

This is wildly accurate, barring the Cubs thing. These guys have nailed the North Side of Chicago.

Start Me Up — no seriously, I can't breathe

This is nothing but spectacle. - Michael Bay

Not a conspiracy theorist, but there is a certain resemblance.

By the way, where did you put all the money, man? And how do you rate Biden?

Let me help out here. When Trump isn't doing his clown routine for his base (basically Lynard Skynard fans, and slot machine enthusiasts) he says things that actually make sense and matter to people. A Republican candidate wants to change capital gains rates and audit the Fed? You won't hear any of that sacrilege from

Enough about Behghazi! Did I mention Benghazi?? (Channeling Bernie..) Kissinger was Secretary of State for four years. Alexander Haig, for two. My point is that holding a cabinet post does not magically imbue human beings with sound judgement. As for preserving the county as it is - how very nice of you! You might

As a hard working, red blooded American, I'm very interested in knowing what you mean by 'security'. Bernie will not allow the Russians to invade Canada (you don't seem English, but the Captain could be wrong on that - I'll ask Superman - he's great at that). Insofar as a 'steady hand' is concerned, it is impossible