
I was getting ready to post that. I love A Different World and I loved In Living Color. A parody from ILC was inevitable, and awesome! Or dope in 1990/91.

"What's Eating Gilbert Grape?", anyone? Would love to see a fast forward of Gilbert and Arnie at the age they are now and Gilbert sinking back to being "stuck" in an older age. (Side note: I loathe Leo diCaprio, but he would move up a couple of notches to show he can play Arnie in his 30's.)

Good call.

Agreed, but I didn't like Parker. She started out one way, then an episode later she a different character, then another when she was with Logan. The same goes for Wallace's Season 2 girlfriend. It's like the writers couldn't quite figure what they wanted their characters to be. Slutty, sweet, vindictive, bitchy? I

I can't even hear that version "Over the Rainbow" without welling up with tears. Then that viral video back in Nov/Dec with the guy's dead wife sending him and his fiance letters years later, they played that song at the end of it and it was violent sobbing for me.
Having Rachel come in for the final episode as an

I agree and disagree with you. I still don't think Julia got that bond with him that she was expecting, while Joel was working his best with his connection to Victor. Then the breadwinner roles were reversed so fast b/w J & J, that it then blew up with Julia trying to a better parent and Joel getting too absorbed in