
I agree. I said below, I'm not really defending Chuck so much as really realizing what a douchebag Jimmy really is.

He was threatening him with entering under a false pretense

Yes he did steal them from Kim because they were her clients.

Entering the base under false pretenses…to gain the footage used in the commercial.

No, the footage used was also gained illegally.

Chuck didn't steal them. They were already HHM's clients.

The air force captain threatened Jimmy with legal action that could case him prison time and or lose his license.

Let me try to put it this way:

Everyone breaks the law. It's a fact of life.

Jimmy BECOMES worse.

Jimmy absolutely lied to Howard. He lied by omission, for one thing. He was willing to let Howard think his brother was losing it.

Of course.

Man, if that responded to any points I made, it would have been a great point.

Chuck didn't "Start" this mess. Jimmy is responsible for his own actions.

Exactly. Jimmy can break the law so long as he only makes jerks upset, right?

Yes. Chuck is an asshole. I get it.

Of course, you can think cuts are a good idea for various reasons that don't necessarily have to do with lack of respect for veterans…

I also feel that many, many of the things Jimmy does - not the least of which threatening an innocent air force guy that HE CONNED into losing his job so he doesn't have to pull a two minute commercial - are sociopathic.

With Jimmy, it's never Jimmy's fault.

I feel that allowing your brother to work his ass off to help you with your condition as you stab him in the back, and can't even tell him to his face until he finds out himself is worse than anything Jimmy has done up to this point.