
He's been treating Jimmy like shit their entire lives.

Did you watch how he is using Ernesto, a scared shitless kid who he relies on to live, as a pawn in his game to get his brother nailed out of petty egotism hid behind indignant self righteousness?

I never said I didn't feel bad for him. I just started realizing that Jimmy is the one who belongs languishing in that Cinnabon. Not Chuck.

That is inexcusable.

But that's not shown to be true *at all*. As he pointed out, he read to Jimmy growing up. He looked out for him. He clearly loves his brother. And his brother *did* betray him. He's right!

Why don't you think Chuck has a conscience?


Did anybody else watch this episode and sort of have their perspective flip on Jimmy?

Chuck obviously wanted Ernesto to hear the tape. Did you not see the look on his face?

BTW, no love for this:

Also, from Archer's stakeout of the whores to the end of the episode that was fucking gold.

Wait wait wait. Are you seriously trying to tell me that "Archer Vice" didn't work?

One off jokes notwithstanding. ;-)

If you really think Rick is full evil, I submit you haven't been paying enough attention to the show.

"Holy shit dad, shut the fuck up!" is one of the best lines of the show.

This was fucking awesome.

Speak for yourself. I dd not notice. It was pointed out to me later. Nobody in my family noticed until I mentioned it to them.

You can hear the audience rolling its eyes and sighing at this latest trip. But this time, writers Dave Filoni and Henry Gilroy are right there with you.

I'm going to repeat a comment from below, because it is that impressive:

That was fucking amazing.