And here's the obligatory moment per episode to appreciate Warburton's Lemony Snicket.
And here's the obligatory moment per episode to appreciate Warburton's Lemony Snicket.
NPH improves as the series goes on as well, I think. I feel as if they really needed time to settle into the roles.
They really are fantastic. Every change made improved the story from the original book without making it seem like something completely different. It was an adaptation, just one improved in every way.
I get what he's saying kind of. Monty is a VFD member, and they're supposedly in on the gag, right?
And it becomes a running gag that even when it's obvious what she means the other adults still act like she's talking gibberish.
I think the kids continually improve as the series goes on. Monty's death hit REALLY hard for me, partially because of how gruesome they made the body look, but also because the kids sold it for me.
…Not to mention, the scene where even Olaf is sort of surprised Monty can't recognize him is hilarious.
The fact that he still doesn’t realize Stephano’s true identity threatens the fragile reality the series needs to maintain to make the Baudelaires’ plight something we can invest in.
She's not bad-looking, but I'd always pegged Esme as a looker. Snicket never actually says so, so I guess this is my own imagination, but I sort of saw her as this femme fatale-like figure.
Yeah. I was like, "Patrick Warburton? Uhhhhhh…"
I just looked the book up online, and it confirmed my memory of it as solid but formulaic.
The Molly scene was brilliant, and utterly brutal.
Also, it's not really unclear to state "closest living relative". In the book Poe is just a complete moron and honestly doesn't get it.
It had some AMAZING episodes. "The Reichenbach Fall" particularly is the best episode of any TV show I've ever seen. Moriarty shooting himself still stands as a top two moment for me in any show I've watched (Ava shooting Boyd in "Justified" is the other moment). It was perfect - utterly shocking, a total game-changer…
Oh, the books are worse. You know how they were making some subtle jokes when Klaus figures out the marriage plot, and Olaf shows him he kidnapped Sunny (Olaf getting definitions wrong, being disgusting, the henchpeople yelling "Mitzvah!" at the end)?
I think this show is somewhat overrated, but it was a mostly good show that occasionally hit great. It will be missed.
I thought part 2 of "The Wide Window" was pretty great, mainly because they REALLY didn't sanitize…
Oh man, that means he intends to end season 2 on by far the most intense cliffhanger of the entire series. THAT is going to be painful (in a good way).
It wasn't the deviation, it was how Snicket originally wrote it. The lighthouse scene from the movie was the deviation, and a bit of a disappointment because it undercut Violet's cleverness at the solution somewhat.
It executed its atmosphere really, really well, and the acting was as brilliant as always.