Especially for a guy who even Tim Sale couldn't make Not Lame.
Especially for a guy who even Tim Sale couldn't make Not Lame.
To be fair, Tom Holland isn't exactly ugly and is definitely ripped.
I agree. I was definitely more entertained than I thought I'd be when I watched it.
This looks like it'll be solid. I appreciate the attempt to do something different that feels true to the character. Spider-Man has always been about that balance, from high school loser to superhero, and between street level hero and Avenger. It's nice to see a movie focusing on that and the things that make…
Of course, an actual scary motherfucker would kill a lot more people than Negan has, so that can't happen.
"Parks and Rec" didn't have "tender drama" so much as "Cloying sentimentality". The "Leslie's always right" dynamic became absolutely unbearable from the election season onward, but was pretty much always a part of the show.
I actually haven't seen this one yet unfortunately, but I just want to go on the record saying that I fucking love Jonathan. Dude who plays him is hilarious. His interactions with Ozzie are always the comedic highlights of the episode.
Ah. Thought you were referring to Negan.
I highly doubt that. The pacing has been far too slow.
I grant it to you. Go in peace.
Jones is hunting glory, not trying to help the world.
No, but it's actually surprisingly entertaining in its own right.
You know what would have made this a legitimate, A episode? If Carl killed Negan.
You know what actually, legitimately, would have been a SPECTACULARLY great twist? Killing Negan.
No way! Those were clever, funny, and entertaining. TWD is none of the three.
I know the show wants you to hate Negan, but fuck, I really, really want the actual attempts at killing him to start already. No, Carl doesn't count, because lol, Carl.
It’s hard to shake the feeling that deep down, no matter how many times people talk about Rick’s greatness, we’ve got a new leading man now.
Not really, though. It's either that, or everybody including him dies permanently. He had no choice.
It's pretty great that "Rebels" is pulling on a ton of different threads of Star Wars media and turning them into official canon.
Sorry, I don't mean to sound so dismissive. I'm just saying, not much about them makes sense anyway.