
Well, realistically, lightsabers make no sense so I'll accept pretty much whatever logic they want me to regarding them.

Also, it's a little odd you're calling the past few episodes "subpar". You only really gave one truly poor review and last episode's grade was only a half letter below this one. They're not classics, but the show has certainly gone through worse stretches.

Another good example of "Rebels" pulling out a gem right when you're on the verge of declaring it mediocre.

Huh, just looked it up. I assumed he was one of the non-super characters, but apparently not.

It's only slightly disappointing since it robs us of the chance to see Nathan Fillion as a superhero.

I want to agree with you, I truly do, but I can't help it. I like Baby Groot.

I've heard that it's ambiguous whether or not it's supposed to be Groot or Son of Groot.

I'm sure that's the case sometimes, but I do know people who watched that scene and genuinely just Did Not Get It. I tend to believe them; it's a very offbeat style of humor.

Oh shit, Kurt Russell? This really might be better than the original.

Ronan was another character who played better for me on a rewatch, though partially because of exactly that scene.

That's one of the best scenes in all of the Marvel films! I guess that style of humor just isn't everybody's cup of tea.

My favorite - applicable to a surprisingly large number of films - is this exchange between Quill and Rocket (paraphrased):

The original "Guardians" is a movie I thought was merely decent the first time I saw it but progressively improved each rewatch. I think it's because I stopped caring even slightly about what was actually going on and focused on the dialogue, which is by far the best in any MCU film. So many quotable lines.

Okay, honest here: I thought Voldemort's backstory in AVPSY was actually better than Rowling's.

The play makes it sound as if it was perhaps a bit of a spontaneous thing, an offshoot of a celebration, which I actually find quite romantic, personally.

Like, the scene in movie six where Ron saves each shot in tryouts by having them hit him on the head or bounce off him…that was so wrong. Ron was supposed to be a great keeper when he doesn't lose his nerve. In book five he's describing all of the amazing saves he made in the Quidditch final. Movie six turned him into

I totally, totally disagree. That was my big issue with the movies. Ron was a jerk, not a buffoon, and he took Hermione seriously.

I think the important distinction here is that it might be for some people, but it isn't for everyone.

The other thing is that it destroyed what was actually one of the best handled time traveling sequences I've ever seen (in "Prisoner").

"Puffs!" AVPM!