
I understand the point that this sort of story is hardly unique to Superman and this episode really had more in common with Batman than anything else, but after they used the phrase "The man who has everything" very nearly word for word on Oliver it's hard for me to imagine that wasn't at least their main inspiration.

Ah, yeah. That's it.

That Neil McDonagh didn't get an Emmy nod for his role in "Justified" is a crying shame. He wasn't a no-brainer like Margo Robbie in season 2 but man, his Quarles in the last few episodes just stole every scene he was in.

The real problem is that we need WAY more than four episodes for this to work. It really should be a Defenders-style miniseries.

It occurs to me that he's joined the hallowed group of actors who have played multiple superhero/comic book hero roles.

Felicity isn't even nervous about this shit even more. "Yes, yes, Ollie's in trouble, let's just get this fucking over with, guys".

I agree that the new "Arrow" characters sucked ass. But the rest was so great I honestly didn't care.

But a major reason "The Avengers" worked so well because it DID have a unifying villain. Loki is the only memorable villain in the MCU films. The army was bland, but that wasn't important because we could attach a face to the threat who had real personality. One of the problems in "Age of Ultron" was that Ultron

Yeah, that good-bye to Laurel was legitimately heartbreaking.

Every time "The Flash" tries to engage in inter-group angst it just kills it. That's just not in "The Flash"'s DNA at all, and it makes it hard to watch. Which is a real shame.

We'll be at the end of the episode working out what happened and realizing we just witnessed a full two hour epic without noticing.

But that's exactly why you need to spend time with them. They need depth.

Here's one thing though: Given the amount of time that's supposedly passed in these episodes and what's happened in them, I'm kind of scratching my head trying to figure out how there's been enough build-up to stop the alien invasion in the "Legends" episode. Their preparation consisted of them continually firing

Is Curtis lame black Cisco? I'm relatively new to this show.

I still can't quite believe "Arrow" managed to produce something this freaking good. Besides black Cisco's lameness and Thea changing her mind a little too quickly, this was damn near perfect.

Basically my big criticisms of both "The Flash" and "Arrow" were that they had become soap operas first and superhero shows second. Neither episode really did anything to change that perception. "The Flash" was terrible for that reason.

This is like the fourth episode of "Arrow" I've watched in full and it just blew me away. I absolutely hated "The Flash" episode and my expectations were so low for this one I almost skipped it, but man, when I realized that it was not only an Arrowverse-style adaptation of "For the Man who has Everything" (they even

Meanwhile, I can't quite believe how much better that "Arrow" episode was. Like night and day.

Oh, grow up. Going into the comments of an av club article and intentionally pissing people off is immature bullshit by somebody who should be old enough to realize that networks aren't going to change their schedules because she acts pissy.

I'm sorry, but you can CLEARLY see Kara's nipple through her supersuit in the photo at the top of the article, and maybe it's wrong but my eye just can't help but keep getting drawn to it. That is a tight, tight outfit.