
"The Long Halloween" does a pretty decent job bringing that detective element back somewhat.

It's also not something that concerns you. Nor is it remotely true.


The same can't be said for many/most here

I never understood the "I hit a nerve thing". Yes, you were so much of a dick you pissed somebody off. Why are you proud of that?

I thought a lot of what happened was just dumb.

Who cares if you hit a nerve or not? He's still right. Why do you feel the need to shit all over something people clearly enjoy?


Well, there ya go.

The real problem is that they ALREADY HANDLED THIS STORY. And it was really great! The season one finale dealt with this issue, the conflict was resolved, and that still stands as one of the series' best episodes.

I mean, Barry was kind of a big deal too.

Basically, he's not always depressed about it, he's specifically changing his behavior to be as much of a dick as possible when Barry is around.

Good question. I didn't reach Flashpoint on my Netflix binge yet, though I do get and dislike it on concept (we already dealt with "Barry needs to decide whether changing the timeline to get what he wants is worth the cost" in the season one finale, and it was AWESOME).

(Although, I do think Barry convincing her to leave by going "WANNA RACE????" can really only be justified with "Yep, mind control".

I'm being tongue in cheek here. I know there are probably a billion different issues actually involved. It just occurred to me when we saw Superman that apparently the movies weren't the issue.

And next season will follow Wally West?

Flash didn't beat Supergirl in a fight. He just ran around until she broke the mind control thing.

Superman showed up in Supergirl. Now there are no excuses. Why hasn't Batman showed up in any of these shows yet?

I mean, it's a pretty heady thing to have dropped on you like that.

Cisco acting this way towards Barry makes perfect sense and seems in character.