
Like, I only watched the first five episodes of LoT, when they were just searching for Savage. But then this episode White Canary mentioned something about their job being to fix timeline anomalies, and the line just floored me.

Seriously though:

THANK YOU. I felt like I must have been missing something. I hated it.

Also, the LoT fix timeline anomalies. Maybe they can, like…fix the timeline anomalies Barry caused? Sort of like their job?

Gonna say it: I thought this was terrible. Maybe D+ terrible. I was promised an alien fight crossover and there was no fighting aliens, no fighting at all until, like, the final ten minutes, Dark! Cisco sucks, the "Planning" they did made hilariously NO sense, their training was ridiculous.

Weren't many jokes? Are you kidding me? This episode was fucking hilarious. Dude who plays Johnathan is hysterical.

Guys, I'm starting to get the impression that Negan isn't very nice after all.

Sure. That's how people really FEEl.

Hm. I thought armstrong, but that works too.

Fair enough.

I disagree. I think King Louie's scene was much improved in the remake. They really leaned into how fucking terrifying King Louie was, and he sings that upbeat Armstrong-y number with these iron-serious eyes that are just bone chilling. It completely changes the tone of that scene into something much scarier and

Some variation of that involving dementors should have been Voldemort's end. Imagine how absolutely terrifying that could have been - dementors descending on a wandless, increasingly terrified Voldemort. The stuff of nightmares.

A lot of the Starkids named it their favorite villain song in a promotion for "Twisted".

She DIDN'T give him a personality makeover. As he fell in love with her he realized he wanted to become the sort of person she loved back. He didn't change because Belle" remade" him. I don't even see how somebody CAN get that read from the movie. It's just not there.

Yeah. It's less the movie and more the cult worship of the song that bothers me.

Elsa's parents were essentially correct, just overstrict: Elsa needed to learn how to control her powers.

But that's the thing - Other people do need to be taken into account. People don't live in a vacuum. They have responsibilities. Right and wrong exist. Rules exist. You can't just ignore them.

That's fine, as long as we recognize "Let it Go" as a moment of weakness.


Did anybody else find the ending of the "Jungle Book" remake kind of messed up?