But that's not what he said.
But that's not what he said.
I can talk about "Serenity" forever. I honestly believe it's underrated, even with the cult classic status. It's remembered fondly as a fun action movie and good finale to the show, but it's much more than that.
Nevertheless I'm saying that the critical framework displayed here is all wrong; is anti-art.
Uh huh.
Are you comparing "The Walking Dead" to the abstract impressionists, the French New Wave, or Bauhaus?
That was absolutely disgusting and depressing. How can people enjoy watching this? It was like somebody recorded pure nihilism and aired it.
Where on EARTH are you getting the weird idea Misty is being railroaded? In fact, the psychologist is exactly right. You don't get to assault a witness with no consequences.
That was disgusting and depressing. How can people enjoy watching this? It was like somebody recorded pure nihilism and aired it.
Yeah, that line is REALLY creepy.
You're misunderstanding canon. What you're describing is literally the exact opposite of what canon is.
Just want to say I agree with that sentiment re: Ezra. I HATED season 1 Ezra (and still find the voice actor REALLY, really annoying), but "Rebels" has proven to be a surprisingly smarter-than-it-has-any-right-to-be show.
Half of the negative reviews on this site add to it. It really does go both ways - and this was seriously inexcusable.
Hopefully her reviews get better for it.
This review definitely contained some cool insights; I particularly like the idea that Diamondback added horror movie elements. I think this contributed to some of the hate (or dislike, anyway) of the second half of the season: Diamondback is a horror movie villain - A good one! - in what should be an urban crime…
"Glued, Where's My Bob" is the classic episode this season needed to convince me this wasn't a decline year. Finally, one we can stand up next to "The Oeder Games" and "Fort Night" proudly.
She really didn't hold her own so much as run away and try not to get killed until she got a hold of a huge-ass shotgun.
I'm sorry, maybe this is harsh, but this is seriously a terrible review. Terrible. There's hardly any analysis in it. You barely gave any reasons for the rating you gave. You just summarized the episode. That's not a review. It's a summary.
I keep going back to "Born Again" where it's explicitly stated that a brilliant defense by Foggy saved Matt from prison.