
I know how unpopular this opinion is around here, but I seriously couldn't stand "King of the Hill". Nothing about it made me mad or offended me or grossed me out or anything like that (I'm looking at you, Macfarlane). I just never found it even remotely funny.

It hasn't been THAT long, you know.

Exactly; early on people had no idea how to reconcile his lawyer work with his vigilantism, leading to terrible early story arcs where they implied he might have a split personality.

"Cut Man" is honestly just one of my favorite superhero stories ever. It ranks up with the best movies. The hallway fight scene is to this day the single best fight scene I've ever seen.

Theoretically, I agree. I just thought it really worked in the moment.

YES. What WAS that?

I thought the moment where he handed the politician the Bible and literally the entire thing was highlighted in different colors was a great creepy moment.

Claire: Fuck this shit I'm out.

Exactly, though the performance was good and I think the actor gave it good depth. The show was shaping up to be the Harlem "Daredevil" and then everything exploded.

Apparently your wife's vagina is hoo-hoo.

Well, Matt wasn't happy about it, but he didn't regret it either.

But that's my point. You can be anti-killing without suffering a complete moral breakdown when you kill a machine-gunning maniac.

But Batman was a deputized officer in the 60's show!

The idea of people taking the laws in their own hands is one thing, but people deciding to kill when they have no legal authority to do so is the opposite of heroic.

(According to a quick Wikipedia check, we can blame the lack of imagination regarding kryptonite on an editor named Dorothy Woolfolk.)

IDK. I mean, the solution was "Let's just make something up that weakens him." Kind of…meh.

Sure, they SAY Luke is a highly trained great fighter, but look at that fight with Diamondback. They're both supposedly boxers and their form is terrible. Terrible.

(The drama of "Roulette", also a classic comic, is of course that Bullseye is lying unmoving in a hospital bed when Daredevil threatens him.)

Well, that's why he's just a Netflix hero.

And Daredevil doesn't even have that code in the comics! In "Born Again" - the greatest Daredevil story ever written and one of the great comic story arcs ever (IMO Miller's best work) - Miller has Daredevil kill a dude who's machine gunning civilians in the street without suffering a complete mental breakdown over