
All I'll say to those worrying is that the show is WAAAAAAAAAY less pretentious and obnoxious then reviewers will pretend.

I did cheer when they called Claire Night Nurse! Official confirmation!

I totally agree that David Tennant's performance was absolutely mesmerizing and terrifying, but they really shouldn't have tried explaining the logic behind his powers, because it just didn't come close to making sense.

Not for nothing, but who is SUPPOSED to be their love interest? Non-characters?

Dude, EVERYTHING with Kilgrave was inexplicable and ridiculous. If he controlled people via virus, how can it possibly spread, even if it gets more powerful, through radio waves and television screens? That's like saying if you watch videos of people with the flu you can catch it if it's a really really bad flu.

I get that, but even then, this is a murder suspect - a murder suspect with evidence and witnesses to a confession, mind you - whose cover story has absolutely no proof at all attached to it. I'm not saying she'll be convicted, or it'll even be publicized, but…not even ARRESTED?

There would at least be some sort of trial or investigation…or she'd be arrested. I mean, seriously, Councilwoman isn't exactly huge. Even Hilary Clinton got the FBI looking into her, to be topical, let alone a city Councilwoman.

Sure, but that's not the point.

(This discussion also makes it clear how good season 1 of "Daredevil" really was. I think it's hard to argue that it's not the best season of any of the Netflix shows so far.)

Plus we have multiple witnesses, including a cop, still alive and present for the confession.

Possibly. I mostly wish we could see Spider-Man as "Your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man" instead of a world-busting Avenger. I know he's always kind of straddled both worlds in a way guys like Daredevil and Cage really haven't, but I find the street angle of heroes more interesting generally.

Also, for what it's worth, while Diamondback was ultimately an underwhelming villain and inferior to Cottonmouth, the actor's performance was terrifying enough that he very nearly sold it to me.

The interesting thing is that with a rational operator, his plan DOESN'T fail, because that star witness he packed away actually ended up accomplishing his purpose and taking Fisk down. It was a good plan. His only mistake was underestimating the extent that Fisk's anger would blind him to logic - and also for acting

I agree. Shades was set up as a Harlem/ghetto version of Wesley, but Wesley as Fisk's number two made much more sense because Fisk was much more competent, to the point of being a genius.

That Mariah wasn't arrested after that recording, by the way, was ridiculous. You aren't suddenly cleared from suspicion because you've claimed a conspiracy against a different guy and your star witness is murdered.

Sure, in some ways. And not in others.

She's a good character, but she's not some great subversion of female TV characters.

Maybe once they get done being WOC who get to be "loved" they can get around to not getting to be "loved" and just get to be independent.

I think you are not seeing what I see because you're looking at them primarily as female characters and I see them primarily as characters who are women of color.

Its just the exact reason she left Matt and didn't pursue a relationship with him was that he was putting himself on the line day after day and she couldn't stand by while he slowly killed himself over his mission.