
And of course technically Daredevil's only super power is enhanced radar senses.

I wasn't criticizing it. I just think it's an interesting contrast to the other street heroes and an interesting stylistic choice.

Also, I find Luke's "power level" interesting. He's the only one of the Netflix heroes who genuinely feels like he could belong in the Avengers.

Ultimately, this ended up being an oddly uplifting show. For all of the shit Luke had to go through, and all the people who died, Luke became the most inspiring of all the Marvel Netflix heroes so far.

This was an easy A for me. I'm surprised you had it so low. Up until this point I was only watching out of inertia, fairly bored. But after Cottonmouth was killed, I was hooked.

…or consider why NBC’s The Wiz Live put a hard stop to the tradition of using live musicals in social media stoning rituals.

Late to the party (Season three?!?!?), but I think this is the best Star Wars media released since "Empire".

Re-watching the series! I think you're unfair to Fry. He's not happy that he's a delivery boy, he's happy he gets to be, essentially, an astronaut - which we learn later ("Luck of the Fryrish") was always his dream job. That the astronaut job also happens to be a delivery boy job doesn't matter to him because, hey,

HOW is this episode not an A?!?!

Holy SHIT is that fucked up.

I know I'm really really really late, but I fucking loved that episode. Fry's "That was the old me. He's dead now" had me in stitches.

I can't tell if this show is actually nihilistic, or if it's pretending.

I think I like the way I'm writing now, so nah.

Sounds so Anonymousy1

Or how about she doesn't get with any of them, because a girl doesn't need to be paired with a dude period?

He repeatedly refers to El as the weirdo or freak or similar words, and acts like a total jerk to her, and treats her as if she's a toy and not a person, long after everyone else has at least started calling her by her name.

Yeah, a few people have pointed this out to me. It was a point I missed.

Johnathan has a fine career ahead of him in the paparazzi.

Hmmmm, really? I didn't catch that.

Actually, that sort of happens, but he tells them anyway.