I want to be more excited but I hated the Christmas special so, so much. Viscerally hated. I actually felt insulted. I yelled "Fuck you" at the screen at the solution to the "mystery" and almost walked out.
I want to be more excited but I hated the Christmas special so, so much. Viscerally hated. I actually felt insulted. I yelled "Fuck you" at the screen at the solution to the "mystery" and almost walked out.
I feel like reviewing this in the form of episodes - while definitely necessary - sort of doesn't make sense for this show.
I LOVED Hopper's immediate refusal to even consider that he was hallucinating things from some sort of drug overdose. I was thinking "Hopper won't buy that, he's too smart for that shit", and dammit, he was.
Very. Dustin is the fucking shit. They took a character who could easily be Chunk from Goonies and added new depth to turn him into a three-dimensional person.
May I also just point out that I really appreciate the way the show uses El in regards to the bullies. There's never a revenge thing going on with El. Mike knows she has psychic powers, but instead of telling her about the bullies and asking her to take vengeance, he goes after them on his own, and El helping him is…
The cops believed she had a motive, though - her best friend just third wheeled her.
I think the stories they craft are generally good but they don't have enough "meat" for thirteen episodes.
Well, I think you put the lasting message a bit literally, but I agree with the sentiment!
I thought it looked better than her bald. *Shrug*
Oh, the timeline did seem a bit accelerated to me.
And how is that one character still a baby on "The Simpsons" anyway.
For what it's worth, I liked the wig look more…
Well, this supposedly takes place a year after the series ended, and Grandpa supposedly had a good ten years left, according to one episode. So, go Grandpa!
And the hair.
I concur with the sentiments of everyone else - this show's cast is superb, and the kids are particularly standout. Child actors are notoriously crap, but everybody is incredibly strong, and yes, El particularly. Fantastic performances.
The father is the best bet, I think.
The reviews are very promising. I'm looking forward to this.
I am possibly irrationally excited for this. Not everyone will agree with me, but in my opinion in that golden age of 90's cartoons "Hey Arnold" was the surprise winner of the bunch. Just the best. Like Peanuts with adults. The Christmas special is one of the best of all time.
Anyway, the characters in this show are just wonderful. And the level of suspense and tension kept up is nothing short of perfect. There isn't a dull moment the entire show - the pacing is absolutely spot on.
You know, I wanted to say "This is the best show I've seen since…" then I realized I would say "Better Call Saul". Which is still running. Or "Justified", which only recently ended. Or maybe "Daredevil", which aired this year.