It's OK to steal and ruin others, provided you're funny while doing it and have some laughs with your buds, right bro?
It's OK to steal and ruin others, provided you're funny while doing it and have some laughs with your buds, right bro?
I liked "Jessica Jones", even past that episode, but the plot holes in episode ten give me more nightmares than Kilgrave.
Oooooh, you're right that Mike is an interesting wild card here.
Yeah, that just hammered home that, right or not right, moral or not moral, Chuck is seriously a complete jerkoff.
But there is a reason he was there. Jimmy is admitting to paying off the guy because, again, he was there the night before for unrelated reasons, Chuck is unstable, and he didn't want to give him more ammunition for his delusions.
It's not a hard sell though. "Yeah, my brother was acting like a loon and I happened to be at the copy place the night before for entirely unrelated reasons. I wanted to avoid trouble with him so I paid off the copy guy to tell Chuck I wasn't there. I only did it because Chuck was clearly unstable and I really didn't…
Well, yes, actually it would have made a difference. That was, like, the point of the first season.
For my money the scene really worked for me, even though I saw the twist coming, because of how devastating a betrayal it was. Seeing the extent the Chuck would commit in order to get that recording was almost frightening - and the whole time you're PRAYING Jimmy won't reveal his secret, and when he does, you know…
Well, for one thing, using Jimmy as an assistant while pretending to support him and doing nothing of the sort couldn't have helped matters. But besides that, you've already conceded the more important point.
If Jimmy couldn't handle the very mild impediment of not getting a job right away at a prestigious law firm (as a graduate of the University of American Samoa who just barely passed the bar) without breaking bad…
We can assume that Jimmy gets disbarred because of Chuck's recording.
I think this is belied by the scene at the start of the season where Jimmy-as-Gene scratches the initials "SG was here".
So far nearly everybody who defends Chuck has started off their argument by avoiding the whole "lying" part of Chuck's actions towards Jimmy.
What we know is that he tried, Chuck impeded him, and this was at least part of the reason he gave up.
Well, that was partially the point. That's how far Chuck was willing to go to fuck over Jimmy.
Oh, no worries.
Typo only.
Could be an accomplice.
…After Chuck already screwed him over. After Jimmy called 911, stayed with Chuck in the hospital, stood up for him, refused to let them put him in a home, then finally came clean when he realized he was hurting his brother too much.