
Frankly, I call bullshit. I wouldn't have, not for a second. I don't think anybody else would have either - not unless he said in an obviously caustic way meant to hurt Jimmy (like saying "She asked for you - but you weren't there. But hey, you got sandwiches. Then, yes, we'd still be mad at Chuck - but not for the

You want to lie to your family about your mother's dying words on her death bed, be my guest.

Um, DEFINITELY the second one, since I asked a question expecting an honest answer.

See, he WAS trying to change though. And Chuck didn't believe he could do it, and pushed back at him for it. So Jimmy said, "You know what, fuck you too dude".

Of course Jimmy is no Saint. Nobody ever said he's a Saint. But to say he's just "charming" is to ignore the entire episode - basically the entire series.

You're right, it's much better to lie to your brother about what your dying mother's last words were, when they specifically had to do with you.

It's the way Chuck did it, after the way Jimmy acted.

Hey, "Walking Dead" guys, you better have been taking notes about this cliffhanger.

Jimmy might form a truce with Chuck: You don't get me disbarred and I don't get you committed.

One other thing not discussed, what with the un-redemption of Chuck, is the mini-redemption of Jimmy. After this episode Jimmy is definitely going to look much more sympathetic to viewers than he did after he doctored the files. He's done a lot, and Chuck has been so much worse, to redeem himself.

Chuck looked awful that entire scene. That was obviously the worst of it, but it was incredibly douchey of him to dismiss Jimmy's attempts to cheer them up by bringing it back to Jimmy's faults.

Good point.

I cannot even wrap my head around not telling my siblings something like that. It doesn't even compute with me. It's a monstrous betrayal.

Any and all sympathy I have ever had for Chuck has disappeared completely.

"Decoy" is one of the best episodes of television I've ever seen. I fucking clapped when I saw Thomson and Rachel on the mine train.

I know. He is such a douche.

Ernie is a motherfucking saint, by the way. Give that man a medal.

One of the best speeches in a show full of them.

I just assumed Nacho wrote the note. That's why he was blocking him, right?

Fuck if they didn't try very, very hard to make Chuck as unlikeable as possible.