
Well dang… Sorry if I sounded vindictive to your essay. I've always tried to live my life in a very positive light, to see past race and gender. Sometimes though, the real world tries its hardest to make you stop believing that people are generally good willed. In this case, I agreed with the nominations but soon saw

Please, please, please don't belittle your opinion or view just because of something as arbitrary as skin color. We may disagree on things but that doesn't mean you shouldn't talk just because you're white and I'm a minority.

That is where you and I diverge, I don't see this as a race issue or a feminist issue like the author. This is a back door campaign issue. Something that has plagued the Academy for ages. Had Selma been made under Weinstein, the nominations would have been numerous. That said, I'll probably be asked to check my

This outrage at the nominations just rubs me the wrong way. "OMG this movie didn't get all the noms that means that the film industry HATES minorities!!!!!" Listen I'm Latino, I want to work in film, but when all these sites keeps creating this narrative that Hollywood HATES HATES HATES minorities, I can't help but