
I felt Elizabeth was a little too forthcoming with Claudia concerning Phillip feelings about Paige.

That will most likely be one of many things that this season will leave up to the viewer's interpretation!

Absolutely not!

Tommy reacted defensively because of the what Nora said to him.

I must be tired! To me Nora seemed desperate enough to go through with the radiation thing?

He seemed pretty off to me!

The Last Kingdom season 2!

Elizabeth is still committed to the cause. Gabriel should have shared his feelings about Paige with her!

Best scene of the episode!

Mathew Rhys!! It goes without saying…

Bloodline season 3!!!

Lange playing another evil bitch? How original!

I don't think the writers would have bothered with the math storyline if it wasn't going to have significance in the future! Any theories ?


Loved that line!

Amazon Prime shit?

That should go without saying!

We are talking about the Gilmore Girls???

I don't think it is geared towards male adults or most males of any age for that matter!

I wouldn't kick any of them out of bed! But if I had to choose it would be Milo!