
How hasn't THAT been adapted yet?

Same here, only with Dawn of the Dead. Changed my entire worldview, somehow.

I JUST saw this alone, and I loved both the film and the experience of seeing it alone. It was the first time I'd done that, but I think I want to do it more.

I seriously spent like two to three hours on that. I tried summoning help but I was level 70-something by that point and no one was around. I finally figured out his patterns enough that I was able to take him out.

Their popularity is baffling, considering how fucking terrible and annoying they are—but they act as great red flags. Whenever someone tells me about a hilarious video and it's one of these, I don't really have any other choice but to lose respect for him/her.

Yeah, she was in the opening credits and everything! I don't remember when she started, but I do remember her sordid past with 2pac! https://www.youtube.com/wat…

Yeah, I remember seeing one, wanting to watch it, and being told, in no uncertain terms, that there was no way. So I tried to start reading the book but it was too daunting for 6-year-old me.

Yes. The "Nathan on your Side" bits are great.

YES! I get so happy when this comes on the radio. I crank it and obnoxiously sing along to annoy my girlfriend and anyone near my vehicle.

An older dude who was a janitor, if I recall correctly.

Teenage Frankenstein is waaaay less obnoxiously 80s, but I think 'He's Back (The Man Behind The Mask)' has some real charm. It just…fits.

Holy shit. I would not have believed it fifteen years ago, but I am so fucking sick of superhero movies. I wouldn't be if they were all good, but the way they keep churning 'em out sort of makes that impossible.

Those biker toughs finally caught up to him.

And it had some awesome Alice Cooper songs made specifically for it! That and part 4 are series highlights.

Oh, good. I thought I was the only one who really disliked The Dissolve.

They also needed to find overalls and striped sweaters.