
Kids don't like loud music. Most of us don't learn to hurt ourselves until we're teens.

What I want to know is how May sneaked behind him in a narrow hallway leading to an elevator.

Hulu had Charlie Jade last year. Eventually the visuals overwhelm the story, characterization, everything, and it becomes a bore. Worth starting and then stopping, I guess?

You're right. Pinker is his own kind of hack.

Also suspect is using one pop-science hack (Pinker) to discredit another (Gladwell). There are much better expert opinions to justify the reviewer's insight that Gladwell is full of shit.

You sonuvabitch.

Oh, good.

And you do?

It manipulated you into giving a fuck for orphans of a nuclear bombing? What exactly did it manipulate you from?

"The decade-spanning tale covers natural disasters, war, and poverty—not the typical fare for fantastical animated films—"This man is an idiot.

Judah Bauer! Blues Explosion!

Hhahahhhahahahhahahahaha O'Neil that last line…..