This show is farts.
This show is farts.
You're wrong about things.
You're dumb.
A celebration is fine, but I hated the skits that Chad Johnson and others would do. "Oh, he's pretending the pylon is a golf club or the football is a baby that needs changing etc." That's not so much celebrating as it is bad improv and should be outlawed forever.
This is the man who made Unforgiven. Go screw.
I'm with Fart Machine.
The AV Club sucks shit now.
I've seen it. It's gross. The whole first half hour sucks.
I may be wrong, but this Mike Pence seems like a bit of a roody poo candy ass.
Nobody will care if you stop watching this show. Not even Steve.
You are a silly goose.
She better shit in a sink though.
I hope there's a scene where a ghost farts.
I don't know, I'm pretty sure the first forty-five minutes of Ghostbusters where they form the business is the best.
This is the worst list ever made.
Shutup, stupid.
1) Stop using the term torture porn to describe horror movies, especially when torture porn is actually a thing.
2) This movie is not smart, even if you're comparing it to other recent horror films.
3) Faaaaaaaaaaaart.
Quite a long boring interview to waste on a fatso.
Compelling argument. You like it because it's good, and the guy who doesn't like it sucks.