
Agreed. I just saw Thor and then will probably see Captain America when it comes out in April. A new chapter every 6 months is definitely not overkill, and then when my kids are old enough I'll get to introduce them to this whole world of film, even though they'll probably be like "not holograms, not interested.

But there is a whole new generation of kids that weren't around for the Raimi Spider-mans so it's all new to them and to them it probably rules because Spider-man kind of rules…

Is it really that weird that two people have been married for 1000 years want to spend a little time apart? I know plenty of people who take separate vacations and are all the much better for it. Also, why can't they comprimise on moving? How about a smaller house closer to the city…Millie can do her museum tours

I thought she was maybe realizing that when she was crying with her mom, but nope. Seriously, though, she sucks. Joel never asks for anything, and stayed home with the kids for how ever many years. He didn't decide to just go and get this big contract… he had to because J quit her job and wanted to stay home. She