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    This seems so surreal. I used to listen to Linkin Park all the time when I was an angsty preteen. Eventually it turned into a guilty pleasure band. I rediscovered them a few years ago and their style was so different, it was like they'd grown up a bit too. Just this week I was listening to some of the newer songs and

    Fuck off.

    Well, obviously!

    Yeah, I actually get really curious about the parts of the world we don't see in these kinds of movies. When you consider that the Purge is apparently secretly a way to rid society of "undesirables"— well, what other shit is the government doing to that end? How did people get to the point that they'd let this law be

    I don't want to live on this planet anymore.

    No lie, after I saw the first trailer I thought it was some kind of 'kid secret agent' adventure fantasy, the kind that only makes PG-13 due to a few strategically-placed swear words.

    It's not that we don't agree, I think, it's that his opinion is really really stupid and uninformed. Like, incredibly stupid. This opinion is dumb.

    Thanks for letting us all know about this aspect of your personality! For everyone saying tattoos are the window to the soul, it seems that comment sections are even better!

    Maybe not, but you do know there is more to the internet than The AV Club, right? This is a widespread phenomenon.

    Look out, we have a (pristinely untattooed) mind reader over here!

    I really appreciate the people who make this same exact comment on every single story or article that has the merest mention of tattoos. Instead of spending five minutes talking with them about why they think a highly personal, often well-thought-out choice immediately makes someone a moron, they actually labelled

    CSI: Murder House sounds like a show I'd watch.

    Whoooa, hold on there baby, I'm just not ready for that kind of a commitment!

    When I was twelve, I had this whole thing memorized and would tell it to my friends on long field trips (at their request! I'm not a monster). I could probably still rattle off at least 60 percent if pressed.

    I promised Cherno Alpha we'd tell her when she turns twelve. By that time she should think robots are pretty cool.

    I was going to say that Daenerys would be harder for substitute teachers of the world to spell/pronounce, but on second thought I'm not so sure.

    I was six. I loved cats. WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME

    The first shot of him was in some sort of shadow that made me think he might be black (and start dreading the reveal), but yeah. In normal light he just looked a little grayer than everybody else, which seems to be just standard "hey, this is the bad guy" design.
