
I couldn't believe Emo Cisco said that thing about "It's okay if it's your family member, but not if it's mine!" thing right after Barry said he'd gone back and enabled the murder of his own mother. Hopefully once Cisco processed that, it helped him come around to why Barry's right.

Will Arnett reminds me more of Quirrell.

I don't get why Filch was still working at Hogwarts when Voldemort had taken over. Don't the Death Eaters hate Squibs? Maybe they figured it was okay if they used him as slave labor.

I like quarlow too… I'm going to assume that no-maj died out by the end of the 1920s and that in modern times, American wizards call them quarlows. Remember the movie is set in 1926.

"Muggle" and "cisgender" share the interesting quality of being unknown words to most of the people they describe… like "mundies" in the Fables universe or "mundanes" (in the sense of "non-telepaths") in the Babylon 5 universe. While the last 2 examples have at least a slight negative connotation built in, I don't