Tyger Tyger

However, Pearl can see a good performance of Macbeth, take a weekend to binge watch all the 'socially relevant' game movies and catch up. But what can a bitter old queen do to change?

For a hundred thousand dollars, I GUARANTEE any other queen would have picked up a stapler and some disinfectant and yelled "I am NOT going home today".

I stand by my statement. If you say you don't want to stay if front of a camera, follow through. If you want to stay, don't say you want to go home. Jasmine said, in front of Kennedy, I won't lip sync against you. Great for camaraderie, but try cowardice if you don't mean it. Kennedy should NOT have been safe. I

Darienne Lake. There's a queen who really was NOT better off from being on the show. After Phi Phi, she is the second most hated queen I know from the series. However, Phi Phi had some great costumes as a saving grace. Darienne has costume jewelry and a maxed out credit card from Walmart's bedding selection.

I think that Katya is a bit too clever in her understatements. I hope she doesn't go home because people aren't thinking at the same time they are watching. Yes, it's reality TV. No, it's not the Kardashians. Drag queens can also be clever people and usually ARE. Don't send a queen home because she's smart.

I think that problem with MKD is that they haven't gotten to an individual competition of value yet, where she would be able to shine. I don't consider "look at the clothes I can buy" an individual challenge. Yes, Raja won on the fashion aspect of drag queens but it's been done. Honestly, I despise pageant queens

I think that Santino was good for reads when he disagreed with Michelle. I love Michelle, but no one has stood up to her in a meaningful way. In fact, Ru has gone more corporate with the management of his brand name, leaving Michelle to be Mama Ru. I don't want Michelle to be Mama Ru. When Michelle is sincere with

I love you. I know have a hashtag for life. "It was kind of like choosing between nausea and diarrhea".

Plus, she missed one of her cues. She knew she missed a cue, knew it might be aired, so how is it that IN FRONT OF A CAMERA she says in her best holier-than-thou voice if you know your lines you will get your cues?

Ginger is dangerous because she has the hunger of Phi Phi and the insight of Chad - meaning she knows exactly what her competition is feeling and exactly the right moment to pounce on it (by egging another queen to do the dirty work). It allows her to do angel face and then step in with an insincere "ladies, please".

Deservedly so. Not being able to perform your lines is one thing, not being able to remember them is another. As part of the title and the brand name, the winner will have ads and rehearsed speeches to deliver - Ru is grooming queens for things that the winners (and Ru herself) actually do. I can understand a queen

If she won, the money would have been better spent on a psychiatrist to answer the question of why she is so jealous of people who are bringing different things to the table. If the don't excel in your kind of drag then be happy, it means when that challenges comes around you will be an easy win. You don't have to

Which is also incredibly CRUEL of Jasmine. If she'd already packed her bags, stated many times she would not compete against Kennedy, and then stated she didn't care if she was sent home: why wouldn't she just follow through and walk away. Why put Kennedy through that tension if she was so 'above it all'? There are

I think of mini-challenges as more of fan service. It lets you pick amongst the queens you really don't know much about (and aren't likely to shine in a challenge), solidify reasons for your favorites, and allow for some low tension competition for the contestants. True, RuPaul could have simply picked team leaders