Musky Netter

Bill Maher- just leave. You are not funny, you are not as smart as you think you are and you have done nothing that could support your arrogance and contempt for others…. i mean, if you were so great, why does HBO put you in the armpit timeslot of Friday Night? [hint- ut has something to do with the fact that people

Neil Young "Cinnamon Girl". A one note solo that works…

Having been married in the Catholic Church (and with Gina a fellow Ignatius alumni) I really liked the fact that they clearly demonstrated that the Virgin Mary gets her own special treatment during the marriage ceremony and I love the fact of this show's commitment to authenticity (but for the statue coming to life

Is this North II?

I actually kinda like the movie. Low expectations is the key to most David Lynch's work….

Before I saw this, I saw a ton of movies and I heard the way people talked about "movies" and "films". This is THE movie that demonstrated to me what the difference between the two. I could watch this Film over and over. The best part, I think, is when Ann is watching Graham sleep, then leaves and and then Graham

Cancelling Happy Endings should be considered a crime against Humanity.

so does touch upon her association with Baby Doc Duvalier or her taking money from Charles Keating - and refusal to return such money when she was notified that the money was ripped off?

Yeah, but it stars Ashley Judd…..so that at least gets it to a B.

I loved this movie. It was the first movie of that ILK (then KF movies, airplane etc) that I saw and I loved it, which begs the question, Why did it have to be sugarless!?!?!

I want to high school with the Star of Wild Orchid 2….it gave me a whole new perspective of her….

Cable Channels should operate like the Premier League: Don't get enough viewers, you got to relegation.

That was Moat Cailin not Winterfell, right? Or did I miss something.

Based on the AV's review of Teeth Dreams, which made a favorable comparison to Soul Asylum mid-80's guitar sound (or something like that), I bought the album. Listened to it once and immediately bought Separation Sunday and Boys and Girls in America. Loved it. Then proceeded to kick myself for not making a good

This episode convinced me to switch back to HBO…..

Leeloo's multipass from Fifth element

"Well, hey, I didn't spend all those years playing Dungeons and Dragons and not learn a little something about courage."

No discussion of Flash Gordon makes this article suspect. I mean, seriously, he saved everyone of us!

It appears that John Lithgow has taken over the roles that would be traditionally given to Jason Robards…..

What?!?! No Bloom County? Directed by Wes Anderson?