Red Green

Fuck white men!

Jesus H. Fuck! Why is it this hard for people to just not rape people!?

*Looks out window to the streets, sees lack of people taking to them*
*Opens up browser, sees people calling Trump names online*
*Sighs deeply*

Full discloser, I'm going to continue eating meat and not having sex after seeing this movie. Looks fun though

Why was she dressed like Snow White? It was so distracting!

I'm white but not a programer or from California, do I still get to vote without playing a stupid video game?

Yay, a new of saying technology is bad. What an original idea.

Keaton is my favorite Batman, but because of Birdman

You know what, I'm gonna do something outlandish and apologize on the Internet. I really didn't mean to offend, but I hate when people pull that "I was kidding, jeez, you're just too sensitive" shit like it magically makes what they said ok, so I'm sorry.

Jesus even turns out the be a zombie!

I don't know, better give me a 60 day grace period

Sense and Sensibility and Zombies
War and Peace and Zombies
The Sound and The Fury and The Zombies
Anna and the King of Siam and Zombies
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close and Because of Zombies
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and Zombies
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone and Zombies

Looks like a better movie than the real Justice League will be

Well, I'm ace and not a furry, so you're back to 50% I guess

I have no problem with the Ghostbusters being women. I don't personally know anyone who has a problem with the Ghostbusters being women. I don't know anyone who knows anyone who has a problem with the Ghostbusters being women. In all honesty, I haven't actually seen any comments online from anyone who has a problem

Satire of satire… is it just sincerity?

#10 Will Make Your Head Explode

Every candidate in this election is abysmal. None of the Republicans knew what the hell they were doing, Trump is an asshat, Clinton is a crook who's basically running for a lark, and Bernie is a socialist who I'm not entirely sure knows how money works. My bet's on it coming down the Trump vs. Clinton and that is

Twist ending: she's asexual

For the longest time I thought he was supposed to be a Frankenstein Monster XD