Red Green

Re-watching the episode with closed captioning, the line was "at least he's strong" witch is, I guess what I expected it to be, basically.

Regular Show Thread

Ryan Pequin storyboarded this whole episode himself, he's got a great comedic eye.

You get "emailed" quite a lot of dwarf porn, I guess

Idk if that qualifies as "honest"

It was my understanding that one of the episodes didn't meat standards & practices, and that's what caused the show to have a bunch of completed yet unaired episodes ripe for the leaking. Idk if any of that's true though.

No way! I knew I recognized him! Clement has the best Bowie, Rick & Morty can attest

I’m glad we’re finally getting new Regular Show episodes that weren’t online months ago.

Damn, I totally forgot about the Ice King, when was the last time he was on the show?

Blink-182 and you'll miss it

I feel like the show is moving in the right direction after that god awful season 6

Eh, who cares

What if I don't care if you don't care?

Yes yes yes and a million times yes!

My wisdom is both a blessing and a curse.

Timothy Foley, you are a saint. The internet needs more people like you.

You're right, season 7 hasn't been that bad. I really enjoyed Stakes; but I guess I still have a bad taste in my mouth from season 6.

All of them :/

I liked this episode because it's one of the few Adventure Times in recent memory where the show didn't feel 4 feet up it's own ass.

Is this a buddy cop movie? This sounds like a buddy cop movie.