Carlos R.

When Everybody Hates Chris (aka, Noah) talked about his dad, I briefly imagined Terry Crews BEING the big strong dad, and secretly getting away, now looking for his son :D

Been watching "The 100", so at this point I'm thrown off by Beth even making the pretense of acting like these folx AREN'T up to something shady. :D

At the beginning of Season 3. after the farm fell, they made a point to mention something about how they were kind of cut off by the walkers in a specific area. Roads leading out of this circle led into thick walker zones, or something. They looked at a map; I think it was episode 3.1.

Almost didn't catch how Joan carved "F*** YOU" into the office floor where she died. They were very clever in how they covered the "F***".

I expect that answer from the lazy writer who wrote the scene trying to cover his ass corruptintenz… not from you. Not from you. :D

Is the "-" in the A- because the show failed to allow Terry Crews to do some of his signature dance moves and physical comedy, in SILENCE no less, even though the world was screaming in unison at the TV for him to do so?

As someone who never read the comic book, I dug the movie. It's a guilty pleasure and I'll stop to watch it whenever it's on.

Constantine may not believe in Lucy Griffiths, but WE believe in Constantine

I accidentally saw Arrow while my roommate was binging and got sucked into binging along right with him. if you've seen four or five of them and you're still not feeling it, probably not for you.

If Barry dates a girl named Illiana at some point, then yes, Edris Ilba!

I guess. To be fair, I was so surprised that he didn't at least check the other guy that I didn't see the amount of liquid left (or not left) in the syringe. Still surprised he didn't zip over for a quick check though, or… you know… turn around :D

What was with the "uncle", "nephew" stuff at the beginning. I'm absolutely sure that the writers meant for those guys to be Russian mobsters, and that the director decided not to go that way the day of, without changing the script. Cause why wouldn't that kid say "Uncle [NAME]"? So weird especially given they were

I love how neither Barry nor Joe make any attempt to attend to the guard, and NO ONE brings it up later. I guess the assumption is that he was past the point of saving or that there was enough antidote only for one person, but he JUST got poisoned, and no one told Barry it was a one shot antidote. :D

Whedonverse version of the relationship reveal B-plot would have had Joe acting as if he clearly knows they're together (and Ed-ris* suspecting as much), only for him to be completely blindsided and shocked by the reveal.

Just listened to old Sklarbro Country Episode 66 that the guys from this show cameo'd on, then THIS article shows up on AV Club the next day??

Really dug the effect of people being super-speeded out of the burning building, as if they've just been transported. My thoughts on this have always been that such actions would result in them instantly dying from the trauma of going from 0 to 300+, necks breaking from whiplash, etc, like just yanking a jenga piece

Yeah… that's what YOUR MOM said!

"…but perhaps NBC turning it off and on again will help."

I would have called Danton Black "Swarm" instead… cause of the way he could swarm an enemy. But I get the need to name-drop.

Speaking of "oh boy"… got a tingle of worry that I had with Star Trek: Enterprise and their "time wars". (No spoilers below, my only knowledge with the Flash is through animated Justice League… just guestimates)