
If Der Fuhrerman would have answered the 'glove' question any other way except "I plead the Fifth", that in itself would have been perjury as he just stated that he intended to plead the fifth to any and every subsequent question. He put himself in a lose-lose situation for the prosecution and Cochran brilliantly

From the cultural divide about race that was the 'Martin' VS 'Seinfeld' debate in this episode, we jump cut from 'Martin' winning the vote amongst the Black jurors to:

Harkening back to Señor Johnnie's earlier statement, Darden was trying to be RESPECTFUL to Clark when he should've been trying to WIN.

He COULD borrow Travolta's.

Oh, they GOTTA do Zimmerman…..but that trial is far from the twenty year threshold that's required for American nostalgia.

oh DAMN…don't say that…you just made a brothah misty-eyed

Astute comments like this one are the reason AV CLUB commenters are the best….I noticed that too

He was hardened through torture, though. You SAW a damn tranquilizer couldn't stop him!

Both, imo.

….and don't forget


"Falling all over herself around men?"

lol I know….

I hear ya…but after long wanting to see him on the screen, the fact that a little movie called 'Brokeback Mountain' eventually came out (no pun intended) kinda killed the originality that aspect of his life might have if Marvel ever did a live-action version.

I think she admires and respects Sousa for his being her intellectual match as an agent, despite how others see his disability as a "disability'. I've always thought that (at least initially) she saw him as reminiscent of Steve BEFORE the Super Soldier experiment….noble and brave despite his physical shortcomings.

Oliver, I LOVE your reviews….but as someone who understands the importance of diversity (ESPECIALLY in the Marvel Cinematic Universe), I think you need to pump the brakes a bit here. For crying out loud, it's ONLY the second (OK…technically third but I count last week as one installment) episode and you're lamenting

While I have a few issues about the length of some aspects regarding race Oliver brings up in this review, I feel the Ralph Ellison 'Invisible Man' allegory is DEAD ON accurate, given Wilke's predicament and American post-WW2 culture heading into the 1950's…..which IS the setting of Agent Carter.

With Patsy Walker in 'Daredevil,' the MCU (on TV at least) has busted out non-superhero deep cuts from their 50's and '60's romance, mystery(Jason Wilkes) AND western titles in one year….that's a big treat for long-time fans!

DAMN you just blew my mind with that….

'J.A.R.V.I.S. 1.0'