The Other Kind

Being agnostic I'm going with meh. You can keep your war on Christmas too. And while I'm at it take back your Eddie Murphy and Joe Piscopo, give them some place to go.

Saturday morning we went to the Colorado Train Museum in Golden. The wife loves trains and model trains as much as I do. Than lunch at Casa Bonita, apparently a Denver tradition and right of passage. It was cheesy fun. Realized "Call the Midwife" has episodes we hadn't seen on Netflix so I cried for 40 minutes on

We don't have kids but I think it might be a matter of priorities shifting. I don't watch a lot of TV anymore either but if we have free time we like to watch a series like Game of Thrones. I feel like you get to know the characters better than in a movie. I guess if you think about it that may be why I like the

Some of it might have to do with the fact that a year or so ago the wife's work schedule changed and we don't have Fridays off together anymore. Friday matinee day was a favorite ritual. If we went to a movie in it's second or third week it was usually us and a few others and the tickets were cheaper. There was

That's probably true, we do watch more at home than we use to. It just seems that there are a lot of good movies out and I'm a little sad that I can only bring myself to go see Marvel movies (and only the PG-13 ones at that). There was a time that I would have seen a Coen Brother movie on opening weekend.

Funny, the only two movies I saw on this list were Captain America and Dr. Strange. I use to like movies, I wonder when that all changed?

I hope it opens with a battle scene set to Paint it Black, those are always the best battle scenes. Oh, oh, no, wait, The Doors, This is the End. Yeah, I'd like that.

I say it everytime Star Wars comes up but I loved the Phantom Menance, Rise of the Clones Wars and that last one.

Look how handsome Kurt Russell is.

If I never hear the term cuckservative again it'll be too soon. That goes for the ironic and unironic usage.

I guess when I think about it that's what I never liked about movies or books geared toward children. When I was a kid The Jungle Book was just a less interesting version of Tarzan and the Hardy Boys were just a couple of cut rate Sherlock Holmes. The adult world always fascinated me more than the children's.

Maybe. I used to read the Robert Heinlein "young adult" novels from the 50's like Have Space Suit Will Travel and those were pretty adult too. I never read the Harry Potter books but the movies seemed like they were maturing with the kids that saw the movies first, my niece was around ten when the first one came out

Pronounced Qwinzee, right? Learnt that from Fallout 4 I did.

Remember when Jimmy Carter was attacked in a canoe by a swimming rabbit?

Kids movies aren't movies for kids because they talk down to them. When I was a kid I didn't like those types of movies for that exact reason.

I would agree with you if I had only watched it the one time in the theater but after watching it at home a year later I changed my mind. Not sure why, although it seems to be a good build up to Deathly Hallows 2 which I also wasn't that fond of in the theater but loved on second viewing.

Not to mention they got millions of children to read books again. My niece has grown up into a smart thoughtful, wonderful adult and I can directly trace a lot of that back to her love of Harry Potter when she was a little girl.

It's pretty much him and Tom Cruise supporting the Church of Scientology at this point.

My brother's father-in-law is a retired lineman. All I really got from him was a sense that storms were a great source of some sweet ass overtime.

Judging by the gun in that photo my 9 year old nephew has a new job as movie prop master.