The Other Kind

If you haven't clicked the link I recommend not. The photos are horrific.

All we need are some keys and a fiver,
a pack of smokes and a sober driver

The confused by pictures thread:
Is that John Travolta? It looks like him but his eyes are too close together.
Who is the young female actress in the 5th Wave, she looks familiar. Please don't judge, I'm old and only watch Justified and Game of Thrones.

Every time there's a story about PETA I feel compelled to link to this article http://www.huffingtonpost.c…
We have four older rescue dogs we love more than anything so I'm with you, fuck those guys and their stupid naked supermodels (I…uh…didn't mean it like that…)

I'm a little surprised at the C+ grade, it seems you enjoyed it slightly more than that. This movie sounds like one of those that's good for an afternoon then quickly forgotten (kind of like Monuments Men).

I hope they keep the jodhpurs!

But Sista Soulja is.

Yeah, there was a point when the horse goes over the cliff where a lot of people in the theater laughed like the movie had become a parody of survival.

I find myself agreeing with most of this review. Oddly enough I think the story would have been more interesting if Glass's motivation had been just to get his stuff back. I disagree with the reviewer's take on the handling of the native Americans though. They were portrayed pretty much like everyone else. It was

I can't be bothered to watch the video but she looks cute there and genuinely seems to be having a good time so good for her.

I think Kevin James should have stayed on T.V. His movies aren't good but I'm with you, King of Queens could be laugh out loud funny especially James's physical comedy. I just like the guy in general. It did get a little long in the tooth by the end.

Fabergé egg collection. Nuff said.

Someone should remind Robert DeNiro that he is Robert fucking DeNiro.

I loved the first one when it came out in 1977 or 78 but I was 12. I recently re-read it and it does not hold up although I can see why a 12 year old from 1977 would love it, if for no other reason than the Brothers Hildebrandt paintings. I don't know if he's improved over time but Terry Brooks was not good at

I'm super late too the party having just started watching the show but…I totally disagree with the opinion that spending time with characters that die a few episodes later is a waste. It adds great color and contributes to world building.

I'm super late too the party having just started watching the show but…I totally disagree with the opinion that spending time with characters that die a few episodes later is a waste. It adds great color and contributes to world building.

I have never seen this movie, that is neither a regret nor a boast.

And Handsome Jack too.

“Me And Mr. Hohner” - I did not expect to like that. It's awesome!

Sometimes I get outraged over all the outrage, thank you for putting out this list to remind me that none of it amounts to jack shit.