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    I can guarantee Netflix cares about Laura Prepon since they moved heaven and earth to get her to return after seeing the absolutely overwhelming outcry especially from the LGBT community when it was announced she was leaving the show. They care about losing money too and there's no doubt many fans would follow Prepon

    Whether you like them or not it's impossible to deny that Alex and Piper are loved by many people that watch not just the writers. Just visit any social media site and you wouldn't even know other characters exist on the show lol. Anything remotely related to them gets the most likes, retweets, etc. so I can see why

    One of my favorite developments this season was Alex being more integrated into the show than last season by becoming one of Red's daughters. I thought her re-introduction to prison last year kept her mostly isolated which was a bummer. I've been dying for four seasons to see Prepon and Mulgrew share scenes and it

    Prepon and Schilling have out of this world chemistry and let's face it there has never been a lesbian couple on tv or in movies that has been this popular and become so well known by the mass audience at large. When you think of all the horrible things that the characters have done to each other there should be maybe

    Prepon's Alex will NEVER be written out unless she requested it herself and with the way she always talks about LOVING the show and her character I don't ever see that happening. I guarantee Netflix doesn't want to go through what they went through a few years ago when she was said to be leaving. She pretty much broke

    I don't know about a backlash. I think it's fair to say they're the most popular characters/couple and the leads of the show obviously. Honestly if you go anywhere on social media it's hard to even realize there are other characters besides Piper and Alex because that's all you see major love (and lust) for. More

    Thanks for sharing that tidbit about Prepon and Schilling. What a way to meet lol! I'll admit their chemistry is so amazing that it makes me want Piper and Alex to stay together, get married, have babies and live out their dream of living easy and going for colonoscopies together.

    As a whole I thought this was a good season. Loved the ending! And I must say I was very impressed with Laura Prepon's acting this season. She definitely did the best work of her career and really had me feeling Alex's vulnerability, fear, and her drive to start going along the path of the straight and narrow by not

    I actually think Prepon was outstanding in this episode and all season for that matter. I loved seeing Alex's vulnerability and the crack in her tough demeanor throughout the episode leading up to her totally losing it in the bathroom stall. This is a side of Alex we've never seen and I think it was perfectly

    Great news! I absolutely loved her as Alex and loved the evolution of the character and the Piper/Alex relationship throughout the first season. She is such an important
    part of the show and it would be lacking without her. So while I'm really
    bummed she'll only be on 4 episodes in season 2 at least this news makes it