Uncle Deadly

I don't care. Emma is the best.

Emma from Bates Motel is suing for gimmick infringement.

Everyone is human.

*flips over table*


I don't think this place serves food anyway. It was like a theater

I can't wait for the gay version, "The Rainbow Coalition"

The President and I have this in common.


Because people should know there are more people than that in a movie? Because they said more announcements were coming?

I think there was only beverages. Didn't see any food.

Aurra Sing.


I will sit here and patiently wait for all the apology posts for people for jumping the gun.
Gonna be waiting a looong timeā€¦

haha I see. Well, we are getting into uncharted territory.

They are now adapting things from even the 5th book in the current season, so you can't say "this season = this book" anymore. The whole series is up for grabs.

I will die trying

I love Moz, but for every animal he doesn't eat, I will eat 5.

I saw him Friday night. He does that on every stop. No boos, but people were disturbed. Which is the point. Didn't stop me.

You are talking about seasons of the show.