Ball don't lie
Ball don't lie
It's in the 5th book, like I said. A Dance with Dragons. There is no 6th book.
Calling him "homes" makes your comment a little bit racially tinged. Might want to check that.
It is the fifth book.
If it's anything like MK 7, it won't matter.
Sports Night sucks.
New tracks are too wide. Not a single tough turn.
The 90s were the best because ANYTHING had a shot at being a hit. You never know what would be the #1 song when you woke up each morning.
Sophie B. Hawkins, Right Said Fred….we didn't judge. We just loved.
Judging from the obesity rates, I don't think we need any help at all.
A burger in one hand and a burger in the other. That's how you do it.
*citation needed
You should get that looked at.
Only if you choose to
The voice actor for Aiden sounds like Adam Sandler sometime and it's really damaging my calm.
And suddenly, everything in life is a little bit sweeter.
And like Godzilla, people fed on the Michael Bay way of thinking will hate it
There is a difference between reading news on a site and commenting and figuring out the scientific realities of a fantasy world.
What if people had too much time on their hands?
Don of Just Ice, please.