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    Was not

    LMAO The Force Awakens wasn't that good

    Suck it terrorists!

    I was referring to how people watch inane shows like many reality shows that do nothing but lower the bar for society (Honey Boo Boo, for instance). Their intelligence has gone DOWN the drain as a result. When they see the horrible ending, they're going to get the wrong message.

    The thing is that the season was a horrible one, and the ending was symbolic of how atrocious it was. It can't be said that people nowadays are mostly intelligent when it comes to what they watch. The ending needs to bash peer pressure outright so that the audience gets the message entirely.

    I still watch because there are good episodes and bad episodes, and the season had few good episodes. Here's to a better season 18

    I personally know a lot of people that have self-image issues, so I speak for them.

    That is completely different. He was getting revenge on him, while Wendy was being bullied into "photoshopping."

    How about those that watch the show that have self-image issues who watch that ending? Endings like that are going to turn off most of the audience and make them not watch any further South Park.

    No it wasn't but it was a bad one because it sends the wrong message to people. Caving in to peer pressure is wrong.

    Didn't like the ending. No one should cave in to peer pressure

    This episode sucks and deserves and F. Cartman has been getting the upper hand all season long on Wendy, Token, and now Kyle. It's annoying! I wanted nothing more than for Kyle to beat the hell out of Cartman in the end for making him go homo! This overshadowed the Van Halen part and it was completely stupid!