Cement Pop

I talked to a lot of people who felt the same way. Episodes 4-6 were essentially idle, not propelling the story forward in any way, instead leaning on visual gymnastics. As pretty as the pictures were, I found myself wondering how in the hell we had 3 hours with no plot.

That was some awful editing. Everyone I was watching knew exactly what was happening, including our 11-year old. They telegraphed that hard.

I want this show on my face NOW. I'm in episodes 2 and 4. Totally biased opinion.

LOL. NERD. This guy read a book.

"zdraveite" (straw-vet-ay) means "hello" in Bulgarian.

They don't really cover anything anymore…

Sort of felt like turning a coin flip into a game of cards. Not sure this is necessary, but it made for great TV.

The "this is a true story" tag is awesome. It will never leave, nor should it.


You are insane.

McGregor taps on the window of a diner in E4, giving the finger to another character outside before a stunt ensues. I expect an upvote in 3 months!

I've been working on this season and I have to say that I think it's going to blow people's socks off. The stunts we filmed yesterday had me howling with their ridiculousness.

La La Land: Walked out of the theatre with a bounce in my step

Isn't there talk about Conan moving to an episode a week format? Apparently, TBS wants people to know he still exists.

I'm hoping this is a Michelle Rempel 'fart' reference. If so, well done.

I saw him play a month ago, right after Kim was robbed and he was on his best behavior. The show was awesome. I hope you enjoy.

As the biggest GnR fan on this board (self-proclaimed), I'll admit that the Kanye/Axl comparison holds a lot of water. The only thing missing is a decade of J.D. Salinger'ing from Kanye. Sadly, Kanye will never not say something for more than 4 minutes.

There's a great recent podcast (Revisionist History) by Malcolm Gladwell where he shows case studies of how satire and parody actually works in the opposite way you assume.


Here I Am by Jonathan Safran Foer. Not sure if I'm a pretentious asshole or if I'm a sentimental douche bag.