Cement Pop

The Field has paid off in the past (Leaf). Go for it!

Over/Under has been at 5.5 all season and has been way lower every episode; bookie raises over/under to 6.5. SMH.

Opposite of that is more likely.

Well, he likes a bit of wiener.

But what if your favorite show was saved by having a social media strategy - regardless of the fact that you never engaged with it? I think there's merit in that.

I thought Jack Bender did a fantastic job in the final moments. The simultaneous cuts from present to past built up in a way that when the 'aha' moment finally clicked, it was off putting because Bran looked at ease. It hit Bran at the same time it shocks the viewer, paralyzed just like Hodor.

The only problem was that she'd already trotted out these impressions on Fallon before.

It's Daylight Saving Time. There's no 's' at the end of saving. For what it's worth.

I almost didn't watch this episode. I was sort of tired of the genre. But the fantastic Japan episode of Girls left me wanting more and then this happened. Awesome.

This album seems like a calculus long answer where the answer is right, but when the student showed the work - it was all wrong.

I deleted it. I also deleted Silver Surfer. Added the Sia version of Wolves.

It's unfinished.

I wanted Adam Sandler to be acquitted for all Razzie's after seeing that boardroom scene.

Candlestick in the Conservatory by Colonel Mustard.

I have a huge crush on the brunette reporter. Someone give me her name, so I can… follow her on Twitter.

I didn't get excited over the trailer, but loved the film. Go figure.

I didn't get excited over the trailer, but loved the film. Go figure.

Should have had the 'beep… beep… beep' at the end followed by a Fox commercial about football.

You mean, "Previously on 24"?

It has been renewed. One more season.